Say goodbye to high electric bills. These tips will help you increase your home efficiency for year-round savings.
01 of 44 Get an Energy Audit
Father and son using the tablet in the kitchen looking at the ceiling lamp
Many utility companies offer a free home energy audit to customers, and it is well worth taking advantage of. If there is no such program in your area, conduct your own energy audit instead. It will clue you into areas where you could trim your energy use.
02 of 44 Install Dimmer Switches
The key to saving energy is within reach. Switch to dimmer switches, so you only use as much light as you need.
03 of 44 Keep Your Fridge and Freezer Full
Everyone always tells you to keep the fridge closed. But did you know that keeping your fridge and freezer full can also save money? Food acts as insulation and lessens the amount of time that the fridge has to run to stay cool.
04 of 44 Install Ceiling Fans
Wide-angle of living space and kitchen with a spiral staircase. Lights on
Keep the air circulating in your home with ceiling fans so your air conditioner does not have to work as hard.
05 of 44 Line Dry Your Laundry
Set up a clothesline in your backyard, and let Mother Nature dry your laundry. If this is not an option, consider hanging clothes on a drying rack or shower rod. If you do not like line-drying due to the way the clothes feel, learn how to keep line-dried clothes from getting stiff.
06 of 44 Eliminate Phantom Loads
A shocking 75 percent of the energy used by home electronics is consumed when they are turned off. Phantom loads of electric usage come from televisions, DVD players, stereos, computers, and many kitchen appliances—basically anything that holds a time or other settings. A simple solution is to plug all of these items into power strips and get in the habit of turning off the strips between uses.
07 of 44 Install an Attic Fan
An attic fan will pull cool air into your home and help to remove the hot air.
08 of 44 Shield Your Home From the Sun
Cut down on your air conditioning use by closing curtains and blinds on the sunny side of your home. For even more savings, consider installing a tinted window film.
09 of 44 Schedule Yearly HVAC Maintenance
Increase the efficiency of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system by having it inspected and cleaned once a year. An added bonus, you will also have cleaner air circulating in your home.
10 of 44 Change Your Filters Regularly
Keep your HVAC system running at peak efficiency by changing the filter every 30 days. Set a reminder on your phone, so you do not forget.
11 of 44 Switch to LEDs
LED light bulbs use 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. Switch out the most widely used bulbs in your home. Then, replace the rest as they burn out.
12 of 44 Landscape for Shade
Plant trees to shade your home, and your air conditioning will not have to work as hard.
13 of 44 Turn Off Heat Dry on Your Dishwasher
Most of the energy consumed by your dishwasher goes to heating water. Turn off the heat dry feature, and you will minimize the energy drain.
14 of 44 Lower the Temperature on Your Hot Water Heater
Thirteen percent of your home’s electricity goes to heating water. You can lower this percentage, by setting your hot water heater to 130 to 140 degrees. For even more savings, install an insulation jacket, and insulate the first six feet of piping that comes off of your heater. Learn more ways to save on your water heating bill.
15 of 44 Take Advantage of Off-Peak Rates
Does your town offer cheaper electric rates during off-peak hours? If so, this is a great time to wash laundry, heat water, and run the dishwasher. If you are interested in switching electric companies, learn how.
16 of 44 Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances
If your appliances are 10 years old or older, consider replacing them with new, Energy Star models, which use considerably less energy.
17 of 44 Wash Laundry in Cold Water
Ninety percent of the energy consumed by your washing machine goes to heating water. Turn the dial to cold, and skip the bill.
18 of 44 Only Wash Full Loads
Your washing machine and dishwasher use a lot of electricity. Minimize the drain by only washing full loads.
19 of 44 Install Low-Flow Showerheads
If you install low-flow showerheads, that means less water flowing equals less water to heat.
20 of 44 Get a Programmable Thermostat
Set a programmable thermostat to run less when you are at work and when you are sleeping.
21 of 44 Pile on the Blankets
An extra blanket on your bed in the winter months is often all it takes to push back the thermostat another couple degrees and cut your heating costs.
22 of 44 Clean Your Dryer Lint Trap
Remove the dryer lint from your dryer’s trap after each load to maximize the machine’s efficiency. Then, scrub it down with soapy water and a brush once every couple months to remove any additional lint trapped in the screen.
23 of 44 Use Dryer Balls
Toss dryer balls into the dryer with your clothes to speed drying time.
24 of 44 Install a Tankless Hot Water Heater
The next time you need to replace your hot water heater, consider going with a tankless hot water heater (also known as an on-demand hot water heater). They can cut your hot water energy cost by half.
25 of 44 Insulate Behind Electrical Outlets and Switches
Pick up a package of electrical outlet sealers and place one behind all of the outlets and switches in your home.
26 of 44 Install Storm Doors
Storm doors are a great way to prevent energy loss. Install one on all of your exterior doors.
27 of 44 Clean Your Refrigerator’s Coils
When your refrigerator has dirty condenser coils it has to work harder to cool your foods. Perform maintenance on your refrigerator and freezer once every three months to optimize its efficiency.
28 of 44 Turn Your Stove and Oven Off Early
Turn the stove or oven off a few minutes before your food is done and let the built-up heat finish the job for you.
29 of 44 Install Motion Sensors
Motion sensors can be installed both inside and outside the home to ensure that lights only come on when they are needed.
30 of 44 Use Smart Strips
Replace your regular surge protectors with Smart Strip surge protectors, which automatically turn off power to plugs that are not in use. Then, say goodbye to phantom energy use.
31 of 44 Install a Water Heater Timer
Traditional hot water heaters heat water throughout the day—whether you need it or not. Install a water heater timer, and set yours to run just when you need it. How much will this save? Expect to see a 5 to 12 percent reduction in your hot water heater’s energy costs.
32 of 44 Replace Regular Night Lights With LED
LED night lights cost less than 25 cents a year to run and are guaranteed to last a lifetime.
33 of 44 Switch to Solar Lights Outdoors
Harness the power of the sun by using solar lights for all of your outdoor needs. They absorb the sun’s energy during the day and run for free at night—a real bargain.
34 of 44 Cover Up Your Foods
Do not put uncovered foods or drinks in the refrigerator. Condensation makes the fridge work harder and costs you more money.
35 of 44 Cool Down Food Before Putting It in the Fridge
Placing hot foods in your fridge will increase the interior temperature and cause your refrigerator to work harder.
36 of 44 Keep Your Second Refrigerator in the Basement, Not the Garage
The extreme temperatures in your garage—hot in the summer and cold in the winter—will cause your refrigerator to work harder; so if you have a choice, place your second refrigerator (or freezer) in the basement, where the temperature is more constant.
37 of 44 Cook With the Lids On
Foods cook faster with lids on because the heat cannot escape.
38 of 44 Preheat Oven Only If You Must
For casseroles—and other foods that require long cook times—preheating the oven usually is not necessary. The only exceptions are meats and other temperature-critical foods.
39 of 44 More Microwave, Less Oven
When you can, substitute the microwave for the oven. Microwaves use less electricity and do not release as much heat into your home.
40 of 44 Remove Sediment From Your Hot Water Heater
Sediment buildup in your hot water heater can reduce the efficiency of the heating elements. Use the valve on the side of your hot water heater to drain the sediment twice yearly.
41 of 44 Insulate Your Hot Water Heater
Purchase an insulating jacket for your hot water heater to prevent heat loss.
42 of 44 Ensure Your Home Is Properly Insulated
The U.S. Department of Energy has an online tool that can help you determine if you have enough insulation based on the region where you live.
43 of 44 Install Weatherstripping
Check around your windows and doors for any drafty gaps. Then, purchase and install weatherstripping to fill in any spots where drafts get in.
44 of 44 Use Insulating Paint
Go high tech, and paint your home (inside and out) with insulated paint. You can now purchase a ceramic additive that turns ordinary paint into insulated paint.